Free Web Learning Resources
I compiled a list of free learning resources for those of you learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and frameworks. They're tried and tested and they provide results. These are not my contributions, all rights and many thanks go to the authors.
Below are the resources, in two variants: written or video. Time to learn!
Module 1: HTML Basics
- HTML Elements
- Attributes
- Links
- Images
- Forms
- Tables
- Layouts
- Scripts
- HTML 5 Basics
- Resources:
- Written: HTML Tutorial
- Video: HTML Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
Module 2: HTML Advanced
- Input field types and manipulation
- Forms validation
- Including scripts head/body/async
Module 3: CSS
- CSS Basics
- Written: CSS Tutorial
- Video: CSS Crash Course For Absolute Beginners
- CSS Specificity
- Flex
- Interactive: Flexbox Froggy
- Video: Flexbox CSS in 20 minutes
- Grid
- Written: Learn CSS Grid
- Video: CSS Grid Layout Crash Course
- PreProcessors
Module 4: JavaScript Basics
- Basics
- JS Data types
- Comparison == vs ===
- Operator precedence
- Null/Undefined/Undeclared
- Local/Global variables
- DOM handling
- Resources for Basics:
- Written: JavaScript First Steps
- Video: Modern JavaScript Tutorial
- Arrays
- Basics
- Written: Array Methods
- Video: 8 Must Know JavaScript Array Methods
- Localstorage
- Exceptions
- Event handling
- Written: MDN - Events
- Video:
Module 5: HTTP
- Basic HTTP Requests, Response, Methods, Codes
- Written: HTTP Tutorial
- Video: HTTP Crash Course & Exploration
- Auth
Module 6: JavaScript Advanced
- OOP JavaScript
- Written:
- Video: Object Oriented JavaScript
- Ajax / XHR
- Scope, Hoisting & Closures
- Strict mode
- Promises & Async/Await
- Written: Async
- Video: The Async Await Episode I Promised
- Timeout and Event Loop
- RegEx
- SOLID principles
- ES6, ES7,… ES10
Module 7: Web Developer Tooling
- Developer Tools
- Unit Testing frameworks: Jasmine
- Download the latest Jasmine standalone package, unzip it, and create a new spec file
- Follow the examples here
- Npm
- Video: Introduction to NPM and the package.json
- Article: NPM Guide
- Useful website to check if a feature is supported: http://caniuse.com/
Module 8: Git basics
Framework: React
- React & Redux
- Written Tutorial:
- Video Tutorial: Complete React Tutorial with Redux
- MobX
Framework: React Native
Framework: Angular, Typescript & RxJS
- Typescript introduction
- Angular Intro & Tutorial - Written
- Angular Intro & Tutorial - Video
- RxJS
- Unit Tests with Angular - Read it while writing tests, use it for reference